


國立臺北商業大學創意設計與經營研究所 研究生
*通訊作者:張睿芸 Goodasd321@gmail.com
中高齡人口比例逐漸增加,此群體對於健康管理的重視程度日益提高。健保快易通是由政府提供的一個健康資訊平台,民眾可通過註冊來獲取個人的健康存摺資料。然而,許多中高齡者對於註冊的需求、使用的困難等方面存在疑慮。本研究旨在探討中高齡者對於註冊健康存摺的需求,以健保快易通為例,透過問卷調查方式了解中高齡者對於健保快易通健康存摺之註冊需求和介面困擾,並探討他們最期待使用的功能,同時,亦討論如何改善健保快易通的註冊流程和介面設計。本研究針對 31位中高齡者進行問卷調查。透過本研究的探討和分析,我們期望能深入瞭解中高齡者對於健保快易通健康存摺的需求,以及他們在註冊上可能遇到的困擾,並提出相應的建議,給予未來相關系統開發時之參考依據。


Exploring the Registration Needs of Middle-Aged and Elderly Individuals for My Health Banks: A Case Study of NHI Express

Jui-Yun Chang, Po-Chan Yeh, Yi-Ting Wu    

Institute of Creative Design and Management, National Taipei University of Business
*Correspondence: Jui-Yun Chang Goodasd321@gmail.com

The proportion of middle-aged and elderly people is gradually increasing, and this group is paying more and more attention to health management. Medicare Autotoll is a health information platform provided by the government, and people can register to obtain personal health passbook information. However, many middle-aged and elderly people have doubts about the need for registration and the difficulty of using it. This study aims to explore the needs of middle-aged and elderly people for registered health passbooks. Through questionnaire surveys, we will understand the registration needs and interface problems of middle-aged and elderly people for health insurance autotoll health passbooks, and discuss the functions they are most looking forward to using. At the same time, how to improve the registration process and interface design of Medicare Autotoll was also discussed. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 31 middle-aged and elderly people. Through the discussion and analysis of this study, we hope to gain a better understanding of the needs of middle-aged and elderly people for the health insurance Autotoll health passbook, as well as the difficulties they may encounter in registration, and put forward corresponding suggestions for the future development of related systems.
Keywords: My Health Bank, Middle-aged and Elderly Individuals, Usage Process, Virtual Health Insurance Card, User Interface.