下班後開啟追劇模式:以自我決定論探討職場上班族下班後追劇動機、心流體驗對追劇行為的影響 - 內外向人格為調節變項
*通訊作者:巫昱德 erikwu0407@gmail.com
*通訊作者:巫昱德 erikwu0407@gmail.com
數位匯流與新冠肺炎疫情等因素影響下,在影視平台追劇成為許多上班族下班後的休閒娛樂 首選。本研究希望探討追劇動機透過心流體驗對追劇行為的影響,並探討不同動機中介效果 的差異,以及內外向人格特質的調節效果。本研究採用問卷調查法,對上班族進行問卷發放 ,342份有效問卷中發現:一、婚姻狀況、年齡、月收入於追劇動機、心流體驗與追劇行為上 有所差異。二、娛樂、社交與獲得資訊追劇動機需透過心流體驗中介對追劇行為產生正向影 響。三、情緒調節、沉浸追劇動機會直接影響追劇行為,亦會透過心流體驗中介對追劇行為 產生正向影響。四、外向者社交追劇動機對心流體驗的影響更強,但不至於強化心流體驗於 社交追劇動機與追劇行為間的中介效果;內向者獲得資訊追劇動機對心流體驗的影響更強, 但不至於強化心流體驗於獲得資訊追劇動機與追劇行為間的中介效果。關鍵字:自我決定論、追劇動機、心流體驗、追劇行為、內外向人格特質
Initiating the After-work Binge-watching Mode: Self-determination Perspective on Exploring Binge-watching Motivations, Flow Experiences, and Behavior among Working Individuals - Moderated by Introverted and Extroverted Personality Traits.
Yu-Te Wu1*, Chia-Fang Tsai2
1Big Data Technology Co., Ltd., Kaohsung
2Department of Business Administration, Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung
*Correspondence: Yu-Te Wu erikwu0407@gmail.com
Global media services face challenges of digital convergence and platformization. In response, content providers directly stream audiovisual content on online platforms, allowing users access to highquality content. Due to technological advancements and COVID-19, binge-watching is now a favored leisure activity for audience. Based on self-determination theory, diverse psychological needs generate distinct binge-watching motivations, influencing flow experiences and behaviors. These needs and experiences may be influenced by the individual's inherent introverted or extroverted traits. This study explores whether binge-watching motivations impact behaviors through flow experiences, investigating mediation effects and personality trait moderation. Using questionnaires, the study surveyed 342 working individuals, yielding these findings: (1) Marital status, age, income lead to differences in motivations, flow experiences, and behaviors. (2) Entertainment, social interaction, and information acquisition motivations positively influence behaviors through flow mediation. (3) Emotional regulation and immersion motivations directly impact behaviors, and also mediated by flow. (4) Extroverted working individuals show stronger influence of social motivations on flow but without a significant strengthening of the mediating role of flow between social engagement motivation and binge-watching behavior; introverted working individuals show stronger influence of information seeking motivations on flow but without a significant strengthening of the mediating role of flow between information-seeking motivation and binge-watching behavior.Yu-Te Wu1*, Chia-Fang Tsai2
1Big Data Technology Co., Ltd., Kaohsung
2Department of Business Administration, Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung
*Correspondence: Yu-Te Wu erikwu0407@gmail.com
Keywords: Self-determination theory; Binge-watching motivations; Flow experience; Binge-watching behavior; Introverted and extroverted personality traits.